ive been bored, and looking for layouts. i dont know if one led to the other or which led to which or if they're related at all, but yes, bored and looking for layouts i've been.
random trivia #568 : two days back my head/scalp reeked of rottenonionjuice-something like poop-balding. yes balding has its very own sweet stench, but what do you know, you well-haired bastards who arnt even gonna be reading this.
today was the last day of extra-classes so vacations are officially on now. sneha's gonna go watch the match at eden tomorrow. AGAIN. she might even have extra tickets, but i have a mother, ysee. i also have thyroid and skin problems, so going to watch a cricket match might kill me, result in me being blown up, or lead to my doom in some way. it's all magically linked in a way only mother's can decipher.genius.
random conversation:
x: i have another blog now.
the third blog.
the.proud.emunk: wow
x: opened only to be deserted after a span of say...
the.proud.emunk: that's a lot of you spread all over the internet
the.proud.emunk: how have u been?
x: oh been ok.
and on the papers.
the.proud.emunk: REALLY? XD
x: yes well.
the.proud.emunk: *whistles*
x: a paper
of which
only two copies could be found
in the entire city
the.proud.emunk: wow, you're exclusive XD
the.proud.emunk: there's this guy je amar pechone poreche :
x: wow
what did you call me once?
chele something
goddamn my memory
the.proud.emunk: chele chumbok
x: yes same
the.proud.emunk: balls <.< x: i bet he has some.
the.proud.emunk: two, to be precise
x: so you've checked
the.proud.emunk: and double checked
x: great. so where's the glitch?
the.proud.emunk: OH NEVERMIND :x
in that order, yes.
ok now enough bye.
1 tissue(s) offered.:
"That's a lot of you spread all over the internet."
Gotta love Shayo.
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