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today i realised that pebbles are therapautic. this one surely is. haha :)

that's it, that's all.iwont talkabouthowpissedoffiwasnononossir.


Burn out, angry flame
I will share with you, my last
snowglobe: take good aim.

now i even know what a haiku is!
strange word dictionary: RetardWeev.

Give me a glass room.

I cried yesterday because i felt like i was invisible. And i woke up in the middle of the night and remembered yesterday could have been a death anniversary.
yesterday was a 1076 day.

I cried today because my family suddenly decided to hate me.
and i could see when i'm that old, i would be exactly like them.

And today is a 996 day.

I've been crying because i've been angry and helpless and detached. Because i don't feel like me and don't like the things i'm used to.
because i'm just not used to them anymore. they feel like an empty house that used to be filled with people and things and love until they all died.

I have negative days coming up, says astrology. I'm going to have a -469 day and my new year begins with a -218.

I'm not disheartened no. I just need things to break.
YES YESTERDAY was thehappiestday of my life so far. well, sorta. i got a LETTER! after CENTURIES! THE BEST EVER.

i love you shrav and i'll make you cookies in my next life <3


i just made a pretty little illustration inspired by a song illustration for what you ask? nothing song shay me i wont tell you what song before i post the drawing on my main blog i hate talking on the phone i HATE TALKING OVER THE PHONE and i love beads

nobody loves me syndrome.

shala keu kichu bole na amay. shob jaanoar. crush holeo joto obscure weird cheleder opor hoe,ANYTHING but available, each. emon bhabe bolchi jeno koto hajar ta hoyeche anyway (crush). ki kori? phlunk korchi.pora shona e jeebona hobe na. ki kori?
bari theke palate chai. ki kori ki kori?



i dont want to be alone right now, i really dont.

Oh My very nice nails.

Oh iamNOTgiving in my slam book because you know WHAT the last thing i need is for SOME JERK OF MINISCULE MENTAL CAPACITY WITH A SORRY EXCUSE FOR THE LITTLE grey cells having a fit of MONUMENTAL ego and pride and vanity all waiting to revisit or no THEY NEVER LEFT NOW DID THEY and go "ooh look at me, i'm famous" JUST because we still remember yes man we still DO go chew an onion.

and icouldnotwouldnot be able to stand

oh, did i mention? my nails are nice.
iron deficient whiteness look pretty with juust the right glittery clear coat *bwhahahah* :P

i'm modest, yes. :D


x: do you write letters?
necromancer.aglitter: yeah
but not often
x: to whom?
necromancer.aglitter: i used to write to chennai friends
but well
we drifted
necromancer.aglitter: yeah i know i love getting letters!!!
x: i love writing letters and recieving
necromancer.aglitter: ME THREEMETHREE!!
x: AND you live in a different city
necromancer.aglitter: < this is going somewhere i believe >
< i could be wrong of course :P>
x: AND they wont call us abnormal if we write to each other
necromancer.aglitter: I KNOW!!
x: so
necromancer.aglitter: especially since BOTH of us know who "they" are! :D
necromancer.aglitter: i live in a city with post offices!
we're like destined to write to each other! :D

Ian Anderson

today's exam was just an attempt by the Higher Power to bring home a very obvious fact.that which i had hitherto been trying to ignore, and some others just havnt stumbled upon yet- i can never in my life study english as a subject. or any other language. never. i cannot write essays. i had 5 optionsand i stared at them for 15 minutes before beginning to write sentences like though he was an old man he was so amazing it was unbelievable. all in the same vein. and then had to give up the paper after filling out half a page with those.

if you think im joking, really you should carry on with your laundry and your record writing or whateverz wont make a difference. it is what it is, and it has shattered my painfully built delusions and that's a good thing.

on a different note, i just realised that pomegranate seeds when chewed on, taste like the smell of this smelly insect that i've grown up calling pendo-poka, because i dont know what it really is called- this weirdass bug(ger) that smells TERRIBLE when anywhere in the room or anywhere within 6 feet of you (or maybe i just have overtly sensitive olfactory glands).

also, about the title.

MAN what does that old man EAT? and there are more reasons as to why this post is called so, related to the first bit of the post itself. i'll obviously keep those to myself anyhow.


fal.radcliffe7: v shud torture them with myna ma'am smile
me: they should be cut up alive, or burnt or I DONT CARE OR KNOW I HATE THEM THAT'S ALL
it's not funny, right now, sorry

fal.radcliffe7: relax dudeno point shouting
if v do get a chance v'll shout at them
(dont care if v end up dead man)
me: or rip them limb to limb. :|
fal.radcliffe7: u can do that surely
:Pme: or just, i dunno, glare at them till they die a slow painful death filled with numbing remorse and guilt that'll eat them up faster than the acid we'll soak them in. :|


cellphone switched off before midnight and all the crappy moods and yelling at the wrong people blah blah blah putting it all behind, its alright and shit now becaaaaaause i managed convince the mostlate wisher of the day (hmph) to gibhe me happysmile and she is NOW


thats because she needs to write to reinvent herself as a well read mongoose that eats its tail bit by bit every 7th day as oppossed to what i said to convince her.

so say hello to wicked (cough) shravvy and OH NOSE SHE HAS POSTED ALREADY
*runs after her with a broomstick*

*jumps around*

our lives are a movie :P
everyonelikes tocry once in a while.


my apple tastes like garlic my lips feel like they're on fire IN A BAD WAY you suckers and ill no longer be able to make orgasmic noises pretending i dont know what im doing (or ill have to keep a check on myself incase i do it uncosciously for no apparent reason) come tomorrow.
this is me leaving behind bits of me sending them off to play house and hide and seek with the children and to never ever return this is very very tragic give me a norah jones song please
im exfoliating
god i just read too many blogposts about too many peoples' too many random boyfriends/ lovers. each post contained 7 names on an average. and all thankyous and loveyous.

goodness i think i should get my arms and legs waxed. :/


(please read, all ye rich and generous)

i want and need and absolutely require:
a) an electric guitar, good amps and processor, and some polish for my good ol' fender.
b) a graphic tablet. seriously, i wanna do digital art man. like totally digital.
c) that collection of charles bukowski poems that i caught at starmark but couldnt buy. dont remember the name. i suck.any/all other books by bukowski, NOT e-books.
d)loads of pebbles and acrylic paint xD
e) loads of canvas paper.
f) good iPod. good headphones. not earphones- HEADphones.
g) some sunshine some tulips some alcohol some weed.
h)a wallet and some keys. some keys to anything. just. anything.

are you listening? ill draw you a mango in return. or a frog. pinkyswear.
i want to turn into a guy, and a gay one at that.
as in a homosexual guy. A HOT homosexual guy.
where are the genii when you need them? :(
new look, mahn! <3
i dig it so much that im tempted to un-private this blog just to show off xD
AND i guess ill do so soon mwahahahaha

updates: maths went horribly, more so because i did KNOW the stuff, i just went blank trying to pen them. yes that DOESNT HAPPEN with maths i know. its just the bad-workman syndrome. or as Baron would put it- the Self-Serving Bias in Attribution. the fuck, i have a psychology exam tomorrow and i have the entire board sylabus spread out before me, begging to be touched. wow does that sound inviting :/ and falling sick AT LEAST once a week does NOT help even remotely. do hell with the allergies, i cant even deal with the drowsiness! damnthethyroid. eco day after. and after the KB episode- oh well let me tell you about it. i just randomly, in some random eco class, call the eco teacher (who happens to be one of the veryfew good teachers left in the school) crazy on her face.

"ma'am, are you crazy?"
"..what did you say Shriparna?"
(instead of taking the hint and shutting the fuck up, if not apologising fervently)"MA'AM YOU'RE CRAZY!"


do not ask me.just dont. i have an appointment with the councellor right after the exams, thank you, dont remind me. i dont need shrinks, i just need people to drive up the wall and these would make good victims ones. hmm. that brings me back to psychology, abnomality, mental disorders and shit like that which happens to be A PART OF THE SYLABUS FOR TOMORROW'S EXAM okbye.


im dead, as always before any maths exam but this time its worse than usual or so it seems. done 2 chapters out of the entire sylabus, which, comprises of the ENTIRE book minus two littil chapters ithink(i havnt even looked at the book too well HAHAHA:/ ) and here i am, blogging about the deadness. i swear to god illnot slaughter anymore insects if i get through or aleast, just survive the mere fright of the veryhardtime im gonna have after the results come out. im just sadasj what do i do WHAT DO I DOOOOO


B: :sneaks from behind and squeezes:
x: :stabs your eye thinking its some weirdass stalker:
wait but you ARE a stalker
B: x_O YAY!!! I GOT TO GET STABBED BY SHIP!! YOU UNLUNKY STAKAHZ -shows to other stalkers-
x: ...
B: -suddenly a stampede of people runs after the ship to get stabbed by her-
x: :kills herself laughing:
:making you the LAST of a kind: (to have been stabbed by themightyship)
B: :is crucified in jealousy and conspiracy of her jew stalkers:
x: wow, how many imaginary people are at play here? XD
so after your death
soul meets soul and all that jazz
sooperhit movie material.
B: lmao!
-later stalkers realize that they will get to meet in heaven or hell so they all suicide and cudnt find them in either in hell or heaven... because they are in purgatory sitting next to eachother and talking on gtalk-


last evening i was terribly pissedoff and today im sooper cheery. diamond tickets for Jethro Tull concert and NOW i know there's gonna be anoushka shankar performing too! yes im very notwellinformed about events for a long time before well, i get informed. :/

so that, and since its the day after my birthday i think for once for THIS ONCE perhaps ill have one happyanticipationful birthday minus the ritualistic vehement prayers for instant death. although mom and dad and uncle are the only company ill have for the concert (-pretend kills self-) and sincei n the middle of second term exams im INVARIABLY flunking, but HEY ITS JETHRO TULL xD so i think for this once, ill overlook the prices to be paid.

for the three people who can acually still read this, ill tell you exactly why i made this private.

i had nothing to do.

yes that's right, when I'm bored, i make blogs private. how cool is that? now people will even think that i have highly personal/totally mysterious stories and thoughts to keep all lockedupinelectronicmedium which not everyone can reach, but hey its just the complete LACK in life here which drives me to such hypocrisy..haha what do they know :/

this rocks, no? yes im a bastard, cant be helped.

i just realised that one of my younger cousins looks like gael garcia bernal.
he's in germany and our families have not been in talking terms lately. mhm yeah thats it.
i dont like myself. im not growing up and thats not nice.

i miss certain people and its sad if you want to know the truth.

this is new. because ive not missed anyone in exactly three years.

god do something about mental blocks.

srishti is looking like a far cry now, unless i somefuckinghow manage to fill up a sketbook worth of portfolio filled with reallt impressive sketches and bahahahha who am i kidding? its not fucking possible within these few months.

uh and im bored. i hate these phases.

ok now im sure i am not cut out for a career in graphics.

OR anyformofart.
so one of those phases again when i fall into the darkest recesses of depression just because i cannot colour to save my life. trivial shit, eh?

my father, dear non existent readers, has got the NID form, looked through last few year's entrance papers, and is all GET THE FORM FILLED UP QUICK and this is exactly the point where i wanna back out. it was SO much simpler to be complaining about difficult parents who wouldnt LET me pursue designing. i dont WANNA do it now. its beginning to scare me. i have too many blocks (or, as shreya ma'am had pointed out- im built of blocks) for my own good. not conductive to a career in graphics, no sir. Paras, who happens to be a verykindsoul, has tried reassuring me, and says he shall mail me the shrishti prospectus and everything, and that sort of makes me feel all aprrehensiver because- no seriously, what if i really do back out finally, and decide to do psychology, or, say english (god imnotgonnabegoodatit:S) from some shittycollege in Kol or wherever (shitty because i cant get through jude or anywhere else even remotely decent)? all the effort down the drain.

and in all this confusion, i fail to realise that i have a very crucial board examination to appear for in another- fourmonths? and maths happens to be one of the subjects which poses a threat to my fucking life.


this is so cool, yo!

weevilgirl has 6,627 pageviews total and her 176 deviations were viewed 13,237 times. She watches 121 people, while 74 people watch her.

Overall, her deviations received 945 comments and were added to deviants' favourites 1,023 times, while she commented 1,303 times, making about 2.81 comments per day since she joined DA. This means that she gave 14 comments for every 10 that she received.

Her deviation with the most comments is Love with 41 comments, and it is also her most favourited, with 130 favourites. Her most viewed deviation is Love with 816 views.

11 favourites were given for every 10 comments.

Every 2.6 days she uploads a new deviation, and it's usually on a Thursday, with 28 (16%) of her deviations.

Her busiest month was April 2008 with 35 (20%) of her deviations.

The majority of her deviations are uploaded to the photography gallery (92), while her favourite category was general>open with 22 deviations.

Comments per deviation: 5.36
Favourites per deviation: 5.81
Views per deviation: 75.21
Comments per day: 2.04
Favourites per day: 2.21
Views per day: 28.63
Pageviews per day: 14.33

bahahahahhahahahahhahkhsdf here.
ok so today in school.. with shreya ma' the computerlab.

Ishi: im suffering from this block for a verrrry long time
me: BLOCKS.dont even TALK about blocks to me.
Shreya ma'am: yes. blocks? she's bluilt of blocks.

also, if youre a fucking baka(japanese for idiot), your must shiine(go die).
like for example- SC. a girl in my totally must.i will kill her one of these days else.

oyasumi nasai, anyway.

lousy fucking luck


i find out that

a) the pendrive which had all my graphic stuff- two posters which hadnt been posted anywhere-no backups no nothing,one fucking hoarding and a bookcover+backcover, has been wiped clean by a virus it had picked up from some weirdass studio computer my mom had taken it to.

WHY i ask do they have to use MY pendrive for taking old scanned pictures for printing when it could very easily be done with..SOMEONE ELSE'S PENDRIVE, SOMEONE WHO HAS BRAINS ENOUGH TO KEEP BACKUP?

B) in the BEST SHOT EVER that i thought i had taken, the subject is fucking out of focus.i was in SUCH a hurry i let the camera focus on the WALL behind the subject instead.

im going to kill myself one of these days.

I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart.
Questions of science, science and progress
Don't speak as loud as my heart.

for teachers

shit i'd made.

this one's for my geography teacher: this, for KB, the absolutely wonderful eco teacher.

a post teachers' day thing because i didnt attend school that day.

the print ruined it ALL.


birthday thingy made for a friend who smiles very little, imtold (netpal yeah).
not good enoguh to go anywhere else, so i put it here.
in love with Travis.
very eager to get their new album Ode To J. Smith. new single something anything is stuck in my head. im miserable in every way when im thinking. so its doing me a favour, really, being there all stuck, the song.
also, in love with Heather Schimel who is the best writer on dA, and one of the best poets i've read. i kid you not. scarythingis, one of my poems [the last one] has her signature style all over it(ihadntevencomeacrossherthen), and somebody mentioned that and linked me to her and THATS how i know of her now. strangestrange but hell she should be worshipped.

anyway, so travis and H.Schimel and farhan akhtar's scar and *something* and lips keep my mind off other things, pretty much.


  • am hated by most
  • bore everyone
  • am in the middle of a sneeze
  • wear scars like jewels, love scars like farhan akhtar's
  • go nanananananananahhfhhjhfd when you say shoo
  • am gonna yell SOUP! the first thing in the morning tomorrow
  • kid you not.

so i guess i'm pretty different now, considering..

im in LOVE with this song.


i'm holding here a book
notable, but not the greatest
stolen for me by the latest
in a long line of thieves
and i'm just about to drop it
down that manhole of memories
when i realize it doesn't bother me
like love's mementos usually do
and i look up to see who's different here
the latest me or the latest you

course, you're the kind of guy who doesn't lie
he just doctors everything
chooses some unassuming finger
and quietly moves his wedding ring
who rewrites his autobiography
for any pretty girl who'll sing
but you can't fool the queen, baby
cuz i married the king

and maybe it was i who betrayed his majesty
with no opposite reality
like a puddle with no reflection
of the sky or the trees
but after my dreaded beheading
i tied that sucker back on with a string
and i guess i'm pretty different now

i kissed you on the street that night
on the far side of four
but i didn't like the taste
in my mouth or yours
and ignoring the persona you wore for my benefit
for once i had the balls to call it
just call it
but a lesson must be lived
in order to be learned
and the clarity to see and stop this now
that is what i've earned

and maybe it was i who betrayed his majesty
with no opposite reality
like a puddle with no reflection
of the sky or the trees
but after my dreaded beheading
i tied that sucker back on with a string
and i guess i'm pretty different now

i'm holding here a book
notable, but not the greatest
stolen for me by the latest
in a long line of thieves
and i'm just about to drop it
down that manhole of memories
when i realize it doesn't bother me
and heartache not so dire
cuz i looked up to see integrity
finally won over desire .

ani difranco is a genius. her fingers hair voice mind brain all so enviable aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa she's amazing.

everyone's gonna go watch a movie tomorrow [everyone= most of the classmates i speak to, and the number is pretty small yeah. the rest hate me. mostly because im rude and say FUCKSHITMOTHERFUCKINGBASTERS too much. oh well, fuck them], and i am, as usual, left out. by choice or not is not the issue, im trying to start a pity-party here. please sympathize.

also, i have homework for monday and the parent teacher meeting is on tuesday. you get it? yeah. also, class eleven girl [and some wannabe guitard00ds] molesting zombie for this upcoming fest i swear im being driven out of my mind you dont wanna know what the fuck i'd been asked/told by one of them ah well you think im being a loser? again, fuck you. it feels like being married to george bush for pete's sake.

PLUS i have boils on my face and inside my nostrils.

lets put this down here.
pujita: {randomly in class (where we do anything but pay heed to the rest of it) while discussing some orkut-initiated lovestories} ..see scrap count is not the index of...
ship: {raised eyebrows} yes?
pujita: look, i have 11 friends on my list and still have a steady boyfriend, and you have over 200 friends on your list and what not, but you've always always been single. {smug smile}


pujita: yes ok i know this is stupid {gets back to definite integrals}









ok so i got the vintage book of contemporary american poetry. i know i must read it yeah i hope i end up doing just that :/

oksobye i have nothing more to say to you.

why i've been busy this week:

for i've been working/worrying my ass and my hair [oh well] off for something so excruciatingly unavailing that it makes me want to shed the remainder of the worked off ass, and tear the remaining hair off my thick skulled head.
lessons learnt:
1)give up. sometimes, please give up, back out, and such because some things are REALLY not worth it (unless you count heavy greenroom laughs, ok fine they were the love)
2)never EVER [something i wont say here]
3) oh my god am i gutsy or what
[ oh no 2) and 3) are so not related ]

more when i can recall the rest.
these attentionseeking whores really deserve to die, but no. people find them enticing instead.

Dear ship,

Please take the lesson and stop flattering yourself sometimes- even at the subconscious level.
the Sensible Self.
i cant use illustrator.
im very frustrated.
harish: you're really cute. you'll grow older. and things'll change.

none of that made sense to me. i hope it never does. :)
you dont wanna know about maths and never ask about geo either.

in other news, i spent the day shampooing and writing DVDs and deciding which movies to download and thinking about food.
ok i take that back i mind VERY MUCH. doing badly in first term, thatis.
everything went fine, i just fucking screwed up this way- i mixed up a geography concept and the name of an attitude scale. just cause they begin with L, both. i HAD it in my head but at that precise moment, everything was littoral and likert was taking a nap.
oh well its just a mark, thankfully. :S
psychology exam tomorrow, and maths next.oh they havnt given ONE FREAKING STUDY LEAVE for maths. tuesday maths. i feel terribly sick, no really. psycho is ok, i dont mind not doing well in the first term but the prospect of FLUNKING maths may drive me to suicide.
do you even KNOW HOW AWESOME I AM? i freaking installed internet on my laptop. right now. ALL ON MY OWN WITHOUT ANY HELP I THINK I MIGHT JUST BE A GENIUS :P

i think im gonna be getting sick of poetry in about a month's time.

i have now come to terms with

a) my ugliness [which did not exist until a year back]

b) the fact that im the most infamous badmouthing bitch in the whole of class 12 (and i dont even bother doing it behind the back, or boast of being right in the face. thing is, it just doesnt matter whether the back or the face even EXIST) but its mostly justified, or just temporary animosity.

c) the fact that im not on top at the moment. um, yes no elaboration.

and why this isnt on my main blog is- this is not a post meant to garner sympathies or anything such. dudes, im ok as ever (unless you count a nagging ear-ache), and this is just for the record. so thank you readers for being non existent.

i really really want to drop hindi as a subject, its a waste of time and absolute mindfuck trying to get homeworks done and a direct consequence of not doing them is incredible humiliation in class, thanks to our overtly sincere-to-her-work teacher. i have nothing against her, but the impossibility of evading Hindi homeworks- how absolutely ridiculous a concept for a class 12 student.

why cant i drop it? oh nothing much.just that my mother wants me to keep it.

anyway, i really feel like painting and i have no colours. ok no thanks to sneha i do have a set of 8 matt finish poster colours, but the ideas in my head scream- acrylics!

ok so i did what i was asked to do, and this time i was asked for more than earlier. blah but i like it now xD

anyhow, i have two moredrawingsorwhatevertodo and then ill be done. exams are coming up- from the 25th. its not funny how i keep repeating my pre-exam strategy each time, inspite of it being a total faliure. but hah, its not like im ever left with a choice thanks to my neglect at othertimes.enoughoframbling, i go waste some more of my very un-re-usable time.

im so happyimsohappy.

a) i updated my ipod andsoitsworkingagain! the error shit is gone.


ok yes thassit.

old stuff.
i feel pathetic.i was asked to do something which i cant do now because my laptop crashed/scanner isnt working/ no photoshop. deadlines. grah.
i suddenly really really need/want a keyboard/piano cause i think i can pick up stuff on one pretty well right now, says my current frame of mind.
and i feel this urgent need to write-scream-vent but nothing inside.nothing.

the best (only good thing?) about being in GDB is that i'll NEVER miss it after passing out of school.

bloodtest again today, freaks me out.
havnt had practices in a long time, pisses me off.
school from monday, pretty much kills me.
lets fucking die.

im such a hypocrite sometimes but im so glad some people arnt :D

I LOVE THEM!im freakin thrilled. xD

has anyone ever died of sneezing too much?

well im gonna be the first one if not.


ok we all [exceptpu] look kadshfl silly, but so what?





ok i know what use to put this place to. ranting toh yes, i'll also post crappy pictures i cant post elsewhere.

so here:

sneha with her evening cuppa [ sugandhi chai or whatever she called it :P ]

sneha NOT pole dancing on her terrace, as she would want me to specify :P

a pretty little window. i love windows. and bulbs.


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

हैड प्रक्टिसस टुडे व्हिच वेंट गुड। आई लव व्रितिंग लिके दिस दूद! इट्स एफ्फिन क्रेजी।
ok enough :P
so thing is, i need to stop forgetting stuff i've picked up on teh guitar, cause it leads to embarrassing situations which make me seem sillier than i am, if that's even possible.
so were doing these songs as of now:
she will be loved [maroon5]
animal instict [the cranberries]
have you ever seen the rain [ccr]
two steps behind [def leppard]

and we plan to do wish you were here [floyd] and other side of teh word acoustic, cause pu dont like it all taht much.
i also want to do bring me some water, but pu dont like that either :(
we were planning yellow but its sounding dull without the right tone, perhaps cause i dont get to plug in my guitar or maybe just cause iplain suck. :P so we gotta wait till i get myself processor/units or whatever. i also wanna do booboogoogoo by caesars, havnt put it forward as a sugession yet. lesse lesse :D

this is the only thing that holds me back from fiercely wishing to leave this city after passng outa school, the band, orsomething to that effect. :P

next practice wednesday, cant wait.

ive been bored, and looking for layouts. i dont know if one led to the other or which led to which or if they're related at all, but yes, bored and looking for layouts i've been.

random trivia #568 : two days back my head/scalp reeked of rottenonionjuice-something like poop-balding. yes balding has its very own sweet stench, but what do you know, you well-haired bastards who arnt even gonna be reading this.

today was the last day of extra-classes so vacations are officially on now. sneha's gonna go watch the match at eden tomorrow. AGAIN. she might even have extra tickets, but i have a mother, ysee. i also have thyroid and skin problems, so going to watch a cricket match might kill me, result in me being blown up, or lead to my doom in some way. it's all magically linked in a way only mother's can decipher.genius.

random conversation:
x: i have another blog now.
the third blog.
the.proud.emunk: wow
x: opened only to be deserted after a span of say...
the.proud.emunk: that's a lot of you spread all over the internet


the.proud.emunk: how have u been?
x: oh been ok.
and on the papers.
the.proud.emunk: REALLY? XD
x: yes well.
the.proud.emunk: *whistles*
x: a paper
of which
only two copies could be found
in the entire city
the.proud.emunk: wow, you're exclusive XD


the.proud.emunk: there's this guy je amar pechone poreche :
x: wow
what did you call me once?
chele something
goddamn my memory
the.proud.emunk: chele chumbok
x: yes same
the.proud.emunk: balls <.< x: i bet he has some.
the.proud.emunk: two, to be precise
x: so you've
the.proud.emunk: and double checked
x: great. so where's the glitch?
the.proud.emunk: OH NEVERMIND :x

in that order, yes.
ok now enough bye.
yes ok so i have ANOTHER blog now, cause i somehow dont like wordpress so much anymore, so i dont feel like ranting there when im away from this place. so now, another freakin page to puke on.swell, eh?
im gonna vomit here, basically. pure fucking vomit.
so see you here or here or here or here or here , if you ever discover this or care to seeme wherever, thatis.