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new look, mahn! <3
i dig it so much that im tempted to un-private this blog just to show off xD
AND i guess ill do so soon mwahahahaha

updates: maths went horribly, more so because i did KNOW the stuff, i just went blank trying to pen them. yes that DOESNT HAPPEN with maths i know. its just the bad-workman syndrome. or as Baron would put it- the Self-Serving Bias in Attribution. the fuck, i have a psychology exam tomorrow and i have the entire board sylabus spread out before me, begging to be touched. wow does that sound inviting :/ and falling sick AT LEAST once a week does NOT help even remotely. do hell with the allergies, i cant even deal with the drowsiness! damnthethyroid. eco day after. and after the KB episode- oh well let me tell you about it. i just randomly, in some random eco class, call the eco teacher (who happens to be one of the veryfew good teachers left in the school) crazy on her face.

"ma'am, are you crazy?"
"..what did you say Shriparna?"
(instead of taking the hint and shutting the fuck up, if not apologising fervently)"MA'AM YOU'RE CRAZY!"


do not ask me.just dont. i have an appointment with the councellor right after the exams, thank you, dont remind me. i dont need shrinks, i just need people to drive up the wall and these would make good victims ones. hmm. that brings me back to psychology, abnomality, mental disorders and shit like that which happens to be A PART OF THE SYLABUS FOR TOMORROW'S EXAM okbye.

0 tissue(s) offered.: