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for the three people who can acually still read this, ill tell you exactly why i made this private.

i had nothing to do.

yes that's right, when I'm bored, i make blogs private. how cool is that? now people will even think that i have highly personal/totally mysterious stories and thoughts to keep all lockedupinelectronicmedium which not everyone can reach, but hey its just the complete LACK in life here which drives me to such hypocrisy..haha what do they know :/

this rocks, no? yes im a bastard, cant be helped.

3 tissue(s) offered.:

deluded said...

i think THAT must be the real spleen spirit

when i have nothing to do.................i just go to sleep

but the lack of life part.....i dont agree on

youve got extra life, growing out of your ear!

how cool is that

deluded said...

google is a pervert

word verification= fetish

Anoo. said...


that is a great idea, actually. whips up a storm. of sorts.