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this is so cool, yo!

weevilgirl has 6,627 pageviews total and her 176 deviations were viewed 13,237 times. She watches 121 people, while 74 people watch her.

Overall, her deviations received 945 comments and were added to deviants' favourites 1,023 times, while she commented 1,303 times, making about 2.81 comments per day since she joined DA. This means that she gave 14 comments for every 10 that she received.

Her deviation with the most comments is Love with 41 comments, and it is also her most favourited, with 130 favourites. Her most viewed deviation is Love with 816 views.

11 favourites were given for every 10 comments.

Every 2.6 days she uploads a new deviation, and it's usually on a Thursday, with 28 (16%) of her deviations.

Her busiest month was April 2008 with 35 (20%) of her deviations.

The majority of her deviations are uploaded to the photography gallery (92), while her favourite category was general>open with 22 deviations.

Comments per deviation: 5.36
Favourites per deviation: 5.81
Views per deviation: 75.21
Comments per day: 2.04
Favourites per day: 2.21
Views per day: 28.63
Pageviews per day: 14.33

bahahahahhahahahahhahkhsdf here.

1 tissue(s) offered.:

deluded said...

Not bad

BUT theyre all on the same one(love?)

just goes to show......there are a lot of couples out there ready to go to any length to get a pecker