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nobody loves me syndrome.

shala keu kichu bole na amay. shob jaanoar. crush holeo joto obscure weird cheleder opor hoe,ANYTHING but available, each. emon bhabe bolchi jeno koto hajar ta hoyeche anyway (crush). ki kori? phlunk korchi.pora shona e jeebona hobe na. ki kori?
bari theke palate chai. ki kori ki kori?

3 tissue(s) offered.:

deluded said...

@ crushes

dont worry. they come and they go. but most learn much more about yourself through the whole process.

take it as just a part of life. and take it positively.

@ pora shona

just remember...... school doesnt count in life in ANY WAY. so.....kono tension neo na. its the only time that you'll enjoy anyway......just live it

@ running away

do it.
have a pajama party....get away at least for a day!

Jadis said...

chhotto meye. erom korey na.

ki jaante chaash bol. ami bolbo(if i can tho.)


Chronicler said...

i could kinda understand the bengali that was written there :) and I guess deluded explained the rest... Crushes part seriously they come and go... and sadly like you've said they are anything but available, decent single men are an extinct specie I tell u... So have faith in your luck...
As to school, enjoy it while it lasts... College can get way too complicated...
Running away... dunno really... rite now I want to do the very same...:)