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ok so i did what i was asked to do, and this time i was asked for more than earlier. blah but i like it now xD

anyhow, i have two moredrawingsorwhatevertodo and then ill be done. exams are coming up- from the 25th. its not funny how i keep repeating my pre-exam strategy each time, inspite of it being a total faliure. but hah, its not like im ever left with a choice thanks to my neglect at othertimes.enoughoframbling, i go waste some more of my very un-re-usable time.

2 tissue(s) offered.:

Scribblers Inc said...

your expressions resemble german groups of longish words...or an intentional lack of spacebar usage...either wayes is kool...

Scribblers Inc.

weevil girl said...

haha xD
kool or not, just a way of midless venting.