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lousy fucking luck


i find out that

a) the pendrive which had all my graphic stuff- two posters which hadnt been posted anywhere-no backups no nothing,one fucking hoarding and a bookcover+backcover, has been wiped clean by a virus it had picked up from some weirdass studio computer my mom had taken it to.

WHY i ask do they have to use MY pendrive for taking old scanned pictures for printing when it could very easily be done with..SOMEONE ELSE'S PENDRIVE, SOMEONE WHO HAS BRAINS ENOUGH TO KEEP BACKUP?

B) in the BEST SHOT EVER that i thought i had taken, the subject is fucking out of focus.i was in SUCH a hurry i let the camera focus on the WALL behind the subject instead.

im going to kill myself one of these days.

I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart.
Questions of science, science and progress
Don't speak as loud as my heart.

for teachers

shit i'd made.

this one's for my geography teacher: this, for KB, the absolutely wonderful eco teacher.

a post teachers' day thing because i didnt attend school that day.

the print ruined it ALL.


birthday thingy made for a friend who smiles very little, imtold (netpal yeah).
not good enoguh to go anywhere else, so i put it here.
in love with Travis.
very eager to get their new album Ode To J. Smith. new single something anything is stuck in my head. im miserable in every way when im thinking. so its doing me a favour, really, being there all stuck, the song.
also, in love with Heather Schimel who is the best writer on dA, and one of the best poets i've read. i kid you not. scarythingis, one of my poems [the last one] has her signature style all over it(ihadntevencomeacrossherthen), and somebody mentioned that and linked me to her and THATS how i know of her now. strangestrange but hell she should be worshipped.

anyway, so travis and H.Schimel and farhan akhtar's scar and *something* and lips keep my mind off other things, pretty much.


  • am hated by most
  • bore everyone
  • am in the middle of a sneeze
  • wear scars like jewels, love scars like farhan akhtar's
  • go nanananananananahhfhhjhfd when you say shoo
  • am gonna yell SOUP! the first thing in the morning tomorrow
  • kid you not.