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Call this the land of the StupidPeople and crown me queen.

I am reeling under too many things.

I'm more upset than i thought i would be, because a friend of mine is leaving. I didn't think he'd have made a difference.

I'm supposed to go have fun tomorrow, but i no longer feel like it, atleast not with who i'm going, and i cannot explain why.

I've discovered that i'm the BIGGEST moron on the planet. everybody but me has a plan, a head, and a rank for show. I on the other hand, have no dream, no plan, no rank, certainly no bright and happy future.

I had a veryvery wierd day yesterday. I went to this birthday party, and guess who i should see. I, however, did NOT nearly die, like i should have. I had a pretty good time, and got snowsprayed and sprayed back in return. [Have i mentioned? My life is a movie.] It seemed like the two years in my head never happened. :) And while that's not making me ecstatic, it seems like the perfect thing that could've happened.

I'm losing my head. very fast. and this feels like a really good time for a vacation, because clearly i'm overthinking, but then again, not like my mental capacity would allow that much.

3 tissue(s) offered.:

Deeganto said...

carp carp.
does pune count as vacation time?

weevil girl said...

dude. this post is by shravanthi, not me. notice.. wicked? my blog partner. ohyeah.

Deeganto said...
