I remember having set myself this.. goalthingy of watching about a hundred movies by the end of the year. It MIGHT JUST happen because now im in a design school which has this filmandvideoclub and every week we have a screening of some movie in a classroom ( ah, some screening, you must think. but whatever). First week it was Juno, and i'd already watched it. Next, it was 'Thank you for smoking'. Sad thing is, since i missed like about ..10 minutes of the movie, im not considering it watched at all. Because i have no fucking clue what was happening because i was dead sleepy while it was on, so everything was just thismotionblur onscreen while i was blissfully static in my head.Therefore, that's not being counted either.
But i watched Hangover on friend's laptop.one fuckall movie, men. watchitifyouhavntalready. the tiger kicked the fatman'sass.yes ,so that counts.
Also, i just watched this Korean movie-' The Bow'.
I cannot talk about it because im sleepy. Like, my ankle might come off because it's hurting like nobody's business, and i didn't get my afternoon nap PLUS i have a doctor's appointment later in the evening so, no. Not gonna talk about the movie, besides there isnt much to say. just that, i watched it. soitcounts. im gonna have to do this proper list now.
OH AND I WATCHED SEX AND THE CITY ONCE. ( no i hadnt watched it earlier, so? go eat a pumpkin)
Sad life i have, yes?Makes it three movies anyway. i told you im watching shittyonesaswell,sothat.
ok tata.
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and share you bleddy explorations.
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