necromancer.aglitter: yeah
but not often
x: to whom?
necromancer.aglitter: i used to write to chennai friends
but well
we drifted
necromancer.aglitter: yeah i know i love getting letters!!!
x: i love writing letters and recieving
necromancer.aglitter: ME THREEMETHREE!!
x: AND you live in a different city
necromancer.aglitter: < this is going somewhere i believe >
< i could be wrong of course :P>
x: AND they wont call us abnormal if we write to each other
necromancer.aglitter: I KNOW!!
x: so
necromancer.aglitter: especially since BOTH of us know who "they" are! :D
necromancer.aglitter: i live in a city with post offices!
we're like destined to write to each other! :D
Ian Anderson
today's exam was just an attempt by the Higher Power to bring home a very obvious fact.that which i had hitherto been trying to ignore, and some others just havnt stumbled upon yet- i can never in my life study english as a subject. or any other language. never. i cannot write essays. i had 5 optionsand i stared at them for 15 minutes before beginning to write sentences like though he was an old man he was so amazing it was unbelievable. all in the same vein. and then had to give up the paper after filling out half a page with those.
if you think im joking, really you should carry on with your laundry and your record writing or whateverz man.it wont make a difference. it is what it is, and it has shattered my painfully built delusions and that's a good thing.
on a different note, i just realised that pomegranate seeds when chewed on, taste like the smell of this smelly insect that i've grown up calling pendo-poka, because i dont know what it really is called- this weirdass bug(ger) that smells TERRIBLE when anywhere in the room or anywhere within 6 feet of you (or maybe i just have overtly sensitive olfactory glands).
also, about the title.
MAN what does that old man EAT? and there are more reasons as to why this post is called so, related to the first bit of the post itself. i'll obviously keep those to myself anyhow.
fal.radcliffe7: relax dudeno point shouting
thats because she needs to write to reinvent herself as a well read mongoose that eats its tail bit by bit every 7th day as oppossed to what i said to convince her.
so say hello to wicked (cough) shravvy and OH NOSE SHE HAS POSTED ALREADY
*runs after her with a broomstick*
this is me leaving behind bits of me sending them off to play house and hide and seek with the children and to never ever return this is very very tragic give me a norah jones song please
goodness i think i should get my arms and legs waxed. :/
i want and need and absolutely require:
a) an electric guitar, good amps and processor, and some polish for my good ol' fender.
b) a graphic tablet. seriously, i wanna do digital art man. like totally digital.
c) that collection of charles bukowski poems that i caught at starmark but couldnt buy. dont remember the name. i suck.any/all other books by bukowski, NOT e-books.
d)loads of pebbles and acrylic paint xD
e) loads of canvas paper.
f) good iPod. good headphones. not earphones- HEADphones.
g) some sunshine some tulips some alcohol some weed.
h)a wallet and some keys. some keys to anything. just. anything.
are you listening? ill draw you a mango in return. or a frog. pinkyswear.
as in a homosexual guy. A HOT homosexual guy.
where are the genii when you need them? :(
i dig it so much that im tempted to un-private this blog just to show off xD
AND i guess ill do so soon mwahahahaha
updates: maths went horribly, more so because i did KNOW the stuff, i just went blank trying to pen them. yes that DOESNT HAPPEN with maths i know. its just the bad-workman syndrome. or as Baron would put it- the Self-Serving Bias in Attribution. the fuck, i have a psychology exam tomorrow and i have the entire board sylabus spread out before me, begging to be touched. wow does that sound inviting :/ and falling sick AT LEAST once a week does NOT help even remotely. do hell with the allergies, i cant even deal with the drowsiness! damnthethyroid. eco day after. and after the KB episode- oh well let me tell you about it. i just randomly, in some random eco class, call the eco teacher (who happens to be one of the veryfew good teachers left in the school) crazy on her face.
"ma'am, are you crazy?"
"..what did you say Shriparna?"
(instead of taking the hint and shutting the fuck up, if not apologising fervently)"MA'AM YOU'RE CRAZY!"
do not ask me.just dont. i have an appointment with the councellor right after the exams, thank you, dont remind me. i dont need shrinks, i just need people to drive up the wall and these would make good victims anyway.smart ones. hmm. that brings me back to psychology, abnomality, mental disorders and shit like that which happens to be A PART OF THE SYLABUS FOR TOMORROW'S EXAM okbye.
x: :stabs your eye thinking its some weirdass stalker:
wait but you ARE a stalker
B: x_O YAY!!! I GOT TO GET STABBED BY SHIP!! YOU UNLUNKY STAKAHZ -shows to other stalkers-
x: ...
B: -suddenly a stampede of people runs after the ship to get stabbed by her-
x: :kills herself laughing:
:making you the LAST of a kind: (to have been stabbed by themightyship)
B: :is crucified in jealousy and conspiracy of her jew stalkers:
x: wow, how many imaginary people are at play here? XD
so after your death
soul meets soul and all that jazz
sooperhit movie material.
B: lmao!
-later stalkers realize that they will get to meet in heaven or hell so they all suicide and cudnt find them in either in hell or heaven... because they are in purgatory sitting next to eachother and talking on gtalk-
last evening i was terribly pissedoff and today im sooper cheery. diamond tickets for Jethro Tull concert and NOW i know there's gonna be anoushka shankar performing too! yes im very notwellinformed about events for a long time before well, i get informed. :/
so that, and since its the day after my birthday i think for once for THIS ONCE perhaps ill have one happyanticipationful birthday minus the ritualistic vehement prayers for instant death. although mom and dad and uncle are the only company ill have for the concert (-pretend kills self-) and sincei n the middle of second term exams im INVARIABLY flunking, but HEY ITS JETHRO TULL xD so i think for this once, ill overlook the prices to be paid.
for the three people who can acually still read this, ill tell you exactly why i made this private.
i had nothing to do.
yes that's right, when I'm bored, i make blogs private. how cool is that? now people will even think that i have highly personal/totally mysterious stories and thoughts to keep all lockedupinelectronicmedium which not everyone can reach, but hey its just the complete LACK in life here which drives me to such hypocrisy..haha what do they know :/
this rocks, no? yes im a bastard, cant be helped.