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today i realised that pebbles are therapautic. this one surely is. haha :)

that's it, that's all.iwont talkabouthowpissedoffiwasnononossir.


Burn out, angry flame
I will share with you, my last
snowglobe: take good aim.

now i even know what a haiku is!
strange word dictionary: RetardWeev.

Give me a glass room.

I cried yesterday because i felt like i was invisible. And i woke up in the middle of the night and remembered yesterday could have been a death anniversary.
yesterday was a 1076 day.

I cried today because my family suddenly decided to hate me.
and i could see when i'm that old, i would be exactly like them.

And today is a 996 day.

I've been crying because i've been angry and helpless and detached. Because i don't feel like me and don't like the things i'm used to.
because i'm just not used to them anymore. they feel like an empty house that used to be filled with people and things and love until they all died.

I have negative days coming up, says astrology. I'm going to have a -469 day and my new year begins with a -218.

I'm not disheartened no. I just need things to break.
YES YESTERDAY was thehappiestday of my life so far. well, sorta. i got a LETTER! after CENTURIES! THE BEST EVER.

i love you shrav and i'll make you cookies in my next life <3


i just made a pretty little illustration inspired by a song illustration for what you ask? nothing song shay me i wont tell you what song before i post the drawing on my main blog i hate talking on the phone i HATE TALKING OVER THE PHONE and i love beads

nobody loves me syndrome.

shala keu kichu bole na amay. shob jaanoar. crush holeo joto obscure weird cheleder opor hoe,ANYTHING but available, each. emon bhabe bolchi jeno koto hajar ta hoyeche anyway (crush). ki kori? phlunk korchi.pora shona e jeebona hobe na. ki kori?
bari theke palate chai. ki kori ki kori?



i dont want to be alone right now, i really dont.

Oh My very nice nails.

Oh iamNOTgiving in my slam book because you know WHAT the last thing i need is for SOME JERK OF MINISCULE MENTAL CAPACITY WITH A SORRY EXCUSE FOR THE LITTLE grey cells having a fit of MONUMENTAL ego and pride and vanity all waiting to revisit or no THEY NEVER LEFT NOW DID THEY and go "ooh look at me, i'm famous" JUST because we still remember yes man we still DO go chew an onion.

and icouldnotwouldnot be able to stand

oh, did i mention? my nails are nice.
iron deficient whiteness look pretty with juust the right glittery clear coat *bwhahahah* :P

i'm modest, yes. :D