get yourself a new goddamn disease
weevil girl
on Wednesday, May 26, 2010
sometimes i get shortness of breath like hiccups because i dont get hiccups anymore. i used to get hiccups when i laughed very hard. i believe in statements and thats a disease. if i didnt take everything so seriously, i'd get sleep more often and then i could wake up and be of some service to the household which would make me a relevant person and make it easier to talk mom into letting me go out for an hour. today i have a resolve and very short breath. today i have a thought process running amok but it ends in murder. that's got to be some form of order. yes it is. its impossible to be unhappy in a skirt. im fine. today is a thursday. im fine.
2 tissue(s) offered.:
Mom's help and sleep omg! xD
Same story =D
Loved the post and yes nice blog name :P =)
thank you xD
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