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Oh My very nice nails.

Oh iamNOTgiving in my slam book because you know WHAT the last thing i need is for SOME JERK OF MINISCULE MENTAL CAPACITY WITH A SORRY EXCUSE FOR THE LITTLE grey cells having a fit of MONUMENTAL ego and pride and vanity all waiting to revisit or no THEY NEVER LEFT NOW DID THEY and go "ooh look at me, i'm famous" JUST because we still remember yes man we still DO go chew an onion.

and icouldnotwouldnot be able to stand

oh, did i mention? my nails are nice.
iron deficient whiteness look pretty with juust the right glittery clear coat *bwhahahah* :P

i'm modest, yes. :D

4 tissue(s) offered.:

Jadis said...

it's calcium deficiency!! i have those teenytinydearlittlewhitespotsonnails since i don't know when and ive been told it's calcium deficiency. fa la la.


Wicked. said...

and THIS is how i intend to do medicine. :|

"ManiacDoctor on the loose" :D

and i have no spots, just tips :P

deluded said...

holy effing A

youre going to be a doctor?

one more life......lost in translation

Wicked. said...

I did say "intend". :P