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shravanthi has abandoned not only this blog, but also severed all ties with me it seems. i have no idea why else we haven't talked in any way in over a month.
therefore, i shall flood this place with my random junk instead of letting this blog wallow in self pity (that's MY job, no one can do it better, not even my blog).

few things that have happened.
i've joined a salsa workshop blah first day was good blah blah i cant dance i suck so bad that blah blah blah but at one point of time i used to be real good that's before blah blah blah blah so that and blah and blah blah we don't have boy partners blah blah if you're a boy and wanna join blah blah thanks.
Symbiosis chances have been screwed because i read their mail a day late so i responded two days after the deadline so im not even gonna be considered for shortlisting so THERE goes my dream of taking up graphic design in college.
i have work but too low a morale and blah blah blah to execute anything properly. so blah.
i've lost my respect for a few people and all that's left is dislikage.
some people are good and some people are lucky and some people suck and need to die.
i have photoshop CS4 finally.
i love babrus and he rules and this is absolutely irrelevant.
here is a random something because i was bored and wanted to check out all the brushes i've ever downloaded from people on deviantArt and just fiddle around,really:


i sorta like this. but it falls under the tooawful category so its not on the other blog or on dA.

ok. the end.

4 tissue(s) offered.:

deluded said...


you know what they say.

you were born for greater things blah blah blah.

heck of a rant shippy!

Jadis said...

OR YOU WILL GO. AS IN GO yada da dah dum! x_x

join college life'll get better i mean it'll still suck i guess but alpenliebe instead of cheap lollypops.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Uh..well..blah to you too. The graphics looked good to me too, but thats may be because I dont unnerschmand them. Now the selfish reason. Here's my link, tell me if you like it.