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Gudang Garam. because ill never remember the name.
phuchka very awesome.
fatal auto ride+heat.
the discovery of sweatglands.

7 tissue(s) offered.:

Saturnalia's Offspring said...

you just DISCOVERED sweat glands?

hell, woman.

deluded said...

the sweet sensation on your lips, how can you forget ;)

also, are auto rides in kol not always fatal?
I'd prefer a yeti. more chances of survival.

Jadis said...

hahaha. gudangaram is heavenly!

Gia said...

Dood, you... smoke? *feels stooopidest* but whatever.

Gia said...
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weevil girl said...

no re i dont usually.

ihateitonly. but i do occationally and actually that was like my third smoke ever.

Gia said...

awesome. cigarette can be addictive. :\