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funny thing

.. i seem to like almost all DMB songs as demo versions a LOT more than the album ones. for example Best Of What's Around. the guitar work is so much more pleasing and ..beautiful in the acoustic demo version. muchmuchmuchlovlier.
anyway, i've decided to dump all shit pictures here, like i had earlier too but then didnt get around to doing it anyway.
let's begin with one catpicture, the only b&w one from the day i visited ishika's house.
OH SHRAVANTHI HAS MADE AN APPEARANCE ON GTALK HOW BLESSED I FEEL so she isnt REALLY dead. so you might expect her to drop in sometime, i suppose. ah.

4 tissue(s) offered.:

deluded said...

she's alive!

*feeds the cat

Deepali Varshney said...

So here I drop in the proof that I actually read it! =D

Jadis said...

nom nom nom.

-eats up cat-
it's so sweet!!

deluded said...

so here drops the proof that I DO send you readers!
