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Ah so :P

So Valentine's day is beginning to look like it's going to be really funny this year :P

Bangalore's under threat by this strangestrange group who've decided to get with the loving :P
Guys and girls seen "together" are to be bundled off to temples to get married :D
IF say, they don't FEEL like getting wed, girl ties guy a rakhi.
heartbreaking, no? :P

I think i 'll start hunting around for nice looking rich guys to hover around on the 14th, then my board results will matter less(due to settled prosperous future and suchlike :P)


3 tissue(s) offered.:

D said...

That's funny :)

But truth is it's the beginning of the end.

Chech this out:

Jadis said...


i wonder what'd happen to 'married' women seen with 'other' men then? would they legalize polyandry...or polygamy..and suchlike? :|

Wicked. said...

where have YOU been you meanie? :P

My board pracs just got over siigh, getonlinewheniam nowFAAST. :P